Is there a registration fee?
There is a one-time fee of $300 (cash) payable at the time of registration.
What is the student-teacher ratio?
We ensure there is always one teacher for every 8 children.
Can I supply food from home?
We provide food catered from a ministry approved caterer. We also provide a snack in the morning and in the afternoon. Therefore we do not allow any food from outside. Our school is a nut free environment making food from outside a potential hazard to the children.
Will you administer medication if needed?
We encourage parents to keep children home if they are sick. We can administer medication provided appropriate paperwork is filled out by the child’s parent.
Do you take them on field trips?
We take the children on two or three field trips a year.
Does my child have to go outside?
The children play outside twice a day for an hour each time. In the case of very cold/hot weather, children are permitted to play in the centre or they go for a long walk within the community centre.
What will my child learn here?
We are an authentic Montessori school with a primary focus on academics. Please see the section on curriculum for a detailed description.
Who provides diapers and wipes?
These need to be provided by the parents, and should all be labeled.
Does my child need to be toilet trained?
We can toilet train the child at school simultaneously as parents are doing so at home.
What about any special food for my child?
Once parents notify us of any allergies or food restrictions that their child has, the caterer is informed to ensure that appropriate meals and snacks are provided for the child.
Is there a washroom routine?
We have a washroom routine whereby children are taken to the washroom at specific times during the day. However, if a child needs to go to the washroom outside of this time, they are always accompanied to the washroom by a teacher.
What is the age group?
The Casa classrooms have a mixed age group of 2.5 to 6 years. The ratio is 1 teacher to 8 students. The Toddler class has a mixed aged group of 12 months to 2.5 years. The ratio is 1 ECE teacher to 5 children.
Do children nap during the day?
The children nap for 2 hours in the afternoon, after lunch. Parents must provide bedding for the cots their child will be sleeping on.
What if I want to withdraw my child?
In such a scenario, we require a two month written notice. See our Withdrawal Policy.
If you have any other questions, please contact us.